An Ultra Marathon Around the Block

I am bad at sitting still – I lasted 7 months in San Francisco in my one attempt to have a stable adult life. This spring was supposed to be full of ultramarathon races, starting with the Mendocino 50km and the Madeira Island 115km Ultra Trail. But as a global pandemic hit, everything got cancelled….

Day-to-Day Normal When Nothing is Normal

Daily dog walks, cooking a whole food plant-based slew of recipes, running empty neighborhood trails, hours on Zoom calls for work and fun and family and pretty much everything else. That’s my new normal. One month ago, I was preparing to fly to Congo to test nutritious low-cost food products with local entrepreneurs. And then…

22 Years of Monday to Friday

At the age of 5, I began the Monday to Friday commitment known as kindergarten. I was ready for the world – with my thick Coke-bottle glasses, checkered suspenders and bowl cut. Since those fateful fall days back in 1998, I have followed the path I was “supposed to”. It was school, summer camps, more…