An Ultra Marathon Around the Block

I am bad at sitting still – I lasted 7 months in San Francisco in my one attempt to have a stable adult life. This spring was supposed to be full of ultramarathon races, starting with the Mendocino 50km and the Madeira Island 115km Ultra Trail. But as a global pandemic hit, everything got cancelled….

Day-to-Day Normal When Nothing is Normal

Daily dog walks, cooking a whole food plant-based slew of recipes, running empty neighborhood trails, hours on Zoom calls for work and fun and family and pretty much everything else. That’s my new normal. One month ago, I was preparing to fly to Congo to test nutritious low-cost food products with local entrepreneurs. And then…

22 Years of Monday to Friday

At the age of 5, I began the Monday to Friday commitment known as kindergarten. I was ready for the world – with my thick Coke-bottle glasses, checkered suspenders and bowl cut. Since those fateful fall days back in 1998, I have followed the path I was “supposed to”. It was school, summer camps, more…

San Francisco, It’s Not You, It’s Me

I slowly walk up and over Bernal Hill, the lights of the San Francisco skyline far below, a glow through the fog. For 7 months this hill and its single-track trail in the center of this urban metropolis’ has become my steady relationship – a cute apartment, the world’s best roommate, fun routines, all the…

2020: The Year of Self-Sufficiency

I am so excited by the year to come. 2019 brought with it balance and a sense of normalcy, and it’s helped create the space to explore who I can be outside of someone obsessed with a job. With 2020 here, I am stoked to take these learnings from 2019 and turn them into a…

My 2019 Annual Review – Attempting Balance

It has been a year full of change as I worked to achieve some sense of socially acceptable balance. Transitioning from a 24-liter backpack to a 2-bedroom apartment, from an obsession with my job to a life where I have hobbies outside of work, from a cadence of visiting family briefly every six months to…

My First Dance with Ultrarunning – 160km Around the Bay of Fundy

Sunday 1:40am – I was having the best sleep of my life. Complete silence. Peace. Comfort. I was about 134 kilometers into the Capes 100 Mile trail running race, having been on my feet running for almost 20 hours. I had to stop and lie down, my nauseousness was about to lead to a second round…

Backpack > One-Bedroom

  Three piles on the floor. 3am. Keep, give, and backpack. Podcast playing, but not loud enough to wake my roommates on the last night they will be called that – the last night for the foreseeable future that I will have roommates. And it’s not because I am making the logical mid-to-late 20’s move…

Dear 2018, Here Is Who I Want To Be

“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.” –James Cameron Dear 2018: You were started with incredible friends on a dance floor in southern Sweden. Where I will be at the end of the year? What will my work look like? What part of the…

2017: Finding Balance on 91 Flights

2017 is over, in what feels like a blink of an eye. And has a business been born? That 5th and most challenging of goals? The short answer is no. But January 2nd, the final ingredients for the first scaled production run will be purchased, and by January 5th, scaled production will begin. I did…

I Run

I run – well, more like slide – my way down a steep vine-covered slope. I snuck through an old gate on an abandoned property on one of Nairobi’s most exclusive streets, and now I’m in a forest that seems to just go on forever. Only a 20-minute run, but with one turn, I’m at a…

A Running Robbery at 2:42pm

(15.03.17) 2:42pm. A thick arm wraps around my neck – I get yanked to the ground, somewhere in Johannesburg’s inner city. 1:07pm. I sit at a café in the center of South Africa’s hipster haven. A reclaimed neighborhood in Joburg’s heart, I’ve landed in Southern Africa for the first time. And just looking around, at…